Larry Beresford
69%: hospitals with perfect hand-hygiene compliance
December 3, 2014
69%: the percentage of hospitals that had perfect compliance with the Leapfrog Group employer coalition’s safe practices for hand hygiene in its 2013 annual quality survey of 1,437 U.S.
$167 billion: hospital payments forfeited for choosing not to expand Medicaid
December 3, 2014
$167 billion: Amount of federal Medicaid reimbursement payments that hospitals will forego between 2013 and 2022 in states that have opted not to expand their state programs under the 2010 Affordable Care Act. For every $1 a state spends on expanding Medicaid, $13.41 in federal funding flows into
UpToDate Adds Palliative Care
December 3, 2014
UpToDate, a leading clinical decision support resource for physicians, in July added palliative care as the newest of its 22 medical specialties.
Wired and Wireless Hospitals Step to the Fore
December 3, 2014
Hospitals and Health Networks in July presented its 16th annual list of Most Wired Hospitals and Health Systems. Rigorous criteria were used to identify 375 hospitals that use technology to link up disparate care providers and patients.
LISTEN NOW: Steve Pantilat, MD, SFHM, explains hospitalists’ role in palliative care
December 3, 2014
Steven Z.
Hospitalist Tips for Talking to Seriously Ill Patients
December 2, 2014
The need to relieve patients’ suffering should not be the reason for withdrawing life-sustaining interventions in the ICU, Steven Z.
Hospitalists’ Role in Health Reform Evolves
December 2, 2014
Hospital medicine guru Bob Wachter, MD, MHM, offers an optimistic view of hospitalists’ role in healthcare as reform measures continue to reshape the landscape. Addressing hospitalists at a recurring conference that he founded 18 years ago—“Management of the Hospitalized Patient”—Dr.
For Patients in Clinical Trials, Health, Safety Top Concerns for Hospitalists
December 2, 2014
Patients might come into a hospitalist’s care when they are in the middle of a clinical trial. What then? The first step for a hospitalist is to find out whether a patient is enrolled in a trial. “The safety and health of a patient obviously are more important than anything else,” Dr.
Antibiotic Overprescribing Sparks Call for Stronger Stewardship
December 2, 2014
Antibiotic overprescription remains a problem in the U.S. and abroad and shows no signs of slowing.
Medicare Readmissions Penalties Expected to Reach $428 Million
December 2, 2014
CMS started the third year of its Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program on October 1, with 2,610 U.S.