Jennifer Best, MD, FACP, FHM
When Should an Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Be Treated?
January 1, 2013
An abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) should be repaired when the risk of rupture outweighs the risks of surgical repair
What Are the Clinical Indications for Noninvasive Positive Pressure Ventilation?
December 1, 2011
NPPV is an effective method to decrease mortality, intubation rates, and duration of ICU stay in severe exacerbations of COPD, cardiogenic pulmonary edema, immunosuppressed patients with pulmonary infiltrates, and hypoxia, and as a bridge to extubation in COPD patients.
Are Stress-Dose Steroids Indicated in Patients with Adrenal Insufficiency Hospitalized with Noncritical, Nonsurgical Illness?
December 2, 2010
For hospitalized adults with adrenal insufficiency, the expert recommendation is to double or triple the usual outpatient dose of glucocorticoid; however, data to support this is limited, and each patient should be assessed carefully and monitored to determine the optimal dose adjustment.