The Hospital Medicine MOC secure exams are offered every spring and fall. Although the dates might seem far off now, hospitalists interested in taking the Hospital Medicine MOC exam must complete the entry process for the FPHM program at least two weeks before the exam registration deadline. For the spring MOC exam, this means hospitalists must complete the FPHM program entry process by Feb. 14, 2014, for the Spring 2014 exam, and Aug. 1, 2014, for the Fall 2014 exam.
To complete the entry process, hospitalists must:
- Be licensed and in good standing.
- Hold current or previous ABIM certification in Internal Medicine and current Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) certification.
- Complete at least three years of unsupervised hospital medicine practice experience prior to entry into the Focused Practice in Hospital Medicine MOC program. Formal fellowship training in a hospital medicine fellowship program can be counted toward the three-year practice experience criteria.
- Electronically submit a self-attestation and an attestation from a Senior Hospital Officer (SHO) that they meet the patient encounter thresholds for internal medicine practice in the hospital setting.
Once enrolled, hospitalists will be eligible to schedule a seat for the Hospital Medicine MOC exam during the registration period; however, the ABIM stipulates that hospitalists must be entered into the program at least two weeks prior to the exam date.
At the same time, hospitalists must have completed 100 points of self-evaluation within the last 10 years. Twenty of the points in Self-Evaluation of Medical Knowledge and 40 points in Self-Evaluation of Practice Performance must have been completed in the last three years.