Dozens of hospitalists were honored this morning by SHM for outstanding clinical practice, research, teaching, and teamwork.
Luke Hansen, MD, and Keiki Hinami, MD, of Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago, are this year’s winners of the Young Researcher Award. Each was given a two-year, $50,000 grant to continue HM-related investigations
“It’s wonderful to be recognized by your peers and your mentors, as producing good work,” says Dr. Hansen, whose research focuses on geriatric patient rehospitalizations. “It also reflects something that I think is important in HM, as a growing specialty, that the society is committing resources to my development and other investigators.”
Dr. Hinami’s research looks at perioperative care for medically complex surgical patients during and after hospitalization.
The 2011 SHM Awards of Excellence went to:
Award for Clinical Excellence: John Delgelau, MD, MS-HSRPPA, chief of hospital medicine for HealthPartners at North Memorial Medical Center and medical director of care transitions
Award for Excellence in Research: Raj Srivastava, MD, MPH, associate professor of pediatrics at University of Utah
Award for Excellence in Teaching: Dan Hunt, MD, associate physician at MGH and associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School
Award for Outstanding Service in Hospital Medicine: Patrick Conway, MD, MSc, director of hospital medicine and associate professor at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
Award for Excellence in Teamwork in Quality Improvement:Cleveland Clinic’s Blood Management team, led by Ajay Kumar, MD, FACP, SFHM
Award for Excellence in Hospital Medicine: Ryan Genzink, MS, PA-C, Hospitalists of West Michigan
Also announced were winners in the 2011 Research, Innovations, and Clinical Vignettes competition:
Best Research Poster:Association between Hospital Noise Levels and Inpatient Sleep Among Middle-Aged and Older Adults: Far From a Quiet Night; Jordan Yoder, Arshiya Fazal, Paul Staisiusas, David Meltzer, MD, PhD, Kristen Knutson, PhD, Eve Van Cauter, PhD, Vineet Arora, MD, MA, University of Chicago
Best Innovations Poster: Purposeful Visits for Hospitalized Elderly Patients: Program Impact on Orientation, Agitation, and Mood; Ethan Cumbler, MD, William Mramor, Jan Hagman, RN, Deborah Ford, RN, University of Colorado Denver
Best Adult Vignette Poster:Vitamin D Toxicity: Rare or Underdetected? Dahlia Rizk, DO, Carla Romero, MD, Beth Israel Medical Center, New York City
Best Pediatric Vignette Poster: Occam’s Razor Revisited; Kimberly Tartaglia, MD, Bret Betz, Ohio State University Medical Center, Columbus