
  1. Charles E. Nahabedian, CEO VK Digital Health

    This need, as the article states, has been around for over 30 years and getting worse. So, if we cannot get more PCPs, we need to utilize the ones we have more effectively. That can be accomplished by adopting and adjusting to the benefits of new technologies. One layers the roles of medical staff, as in the offices, with the physician doing “only” what they are best qualified for. Split the rest amongst NPs and PAs. Deploy remote smart clinics that do not require a medical attendant. The resources of NPs and PCPs are then “centralized” and shared with a larger number of remote smart clinics.

  2. Karen Smith

    Excellent article which not only captures the historical legislation of physician shortage but also the current landscape with laudable solutions. Highlighting the value of primary care physicians is the key for access, quality, efficiency and cost to be achieved. We see what the primary care physician looks like today and hope to see a changed environment for tomorrow as a value added proposition for future physicians.


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